
Video class


Exercise 1

Write a program which is equivalent to the next one, but with one only sentence:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "The cosine of 90 degrees is: ";
    cout << cos(M_PI/2);
    cout << "\n";

Exercise 2

Fix this program:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    // We want to write "program" in quotes, but...
    cout << "This "program" is wrong\n";

Exercise 3

Fix the errors:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "The decimal logarithm of 10 is: " log10(10) \n;
    cout << "The decimal logarithm of 100 is: " log10(100) "\n";
    cout << "The decimal logarithm of 1000 is:  log10(1000) \n";

After fixing the errors, the program should output this text to the terminal:

The decimal logarithm of 10 is: 1
The decimal logarithm of 100 is: 2
The decimal logarithm of 100 is: 3

Exercise 4

Write a program that outputs this to the terminal:

  / _ \
  /   \

Modify the next program in such a way that it produces the same output to the terminal, but with one sentence only:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "The square root of 25 is ";
    cout << sqrt(25);
    cout << "\n";

Exercise 5

Fix the errors:

#include <iostream>

int main()
    cout << "The creator of C++ is Bjarne Stroustrup.\n

Exercise 6

Write a program that writes this to the terminal:


Exercise 3

Write a program that writes this to the terminal, but with one sentence only:


Exercise 3

Write a program that writes this to the terminal:

  __    __    _______  ___      ___        ______        __   __  ___     ______     _______   ___       ________
 /" |  | "\  /"     "||"  |    |"  |      /    " \      |"  |/  \|  "|   /    " \   /"      \ |"  |     |"      "\
(:  (__)  :)(: ______)||  |    ||  |     // ____  \     |'  /    \:  |  // ____  \ |:        |||  |     (.  ___  :)
 \/      \/  \/    |  |:  |    |:  |    /  /    ) :)    |: /'        | /  /    ) :)|_____/   )|:  |     |: \   ) ||
 //  __  \\  // ___)_  \  |___  \  |___(: (____/ //      \//  /\'    |(: (____/ //  //      /  \  |___  (| (___\ ||
(:  (  )  :)(:      "|( \_|:  \( \_|:  \\        /       /   /  \\   | \        /  |:  __   \ ( \_|:  \ |:       :)
 \__|  |__/  \_______) \_______)\_______)\"_____/       |___/    \___|  \"_____/   |__|  \___) \_______)(________/

Advanced exercises:

Exercise 10

The next program is trying to write five dots on the terminal, but with a delay of one second between them. If you compile and run the program, you will find that it doesn’t work as expected:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

// This program uses the function 'this_thread::sleep_for',
// which makes the execution stop for the specified amount of time.
// This function is provided by the 'thread' standard library,
// which must be, therefore, included.
// The time is specified using a suffix which indicates the time unit used:
// '1s' means 'one second'. To be able to use this kind of suffixes,
// we need to declare the namespace std::literals

using namespace std;
using namespace std::literals

int main()
  cout << ".";
  cout << ".";
  cout << ".";
  cout << ".";
  cout << ".";

What’s the behaviour of the program?

Investigate a little what flushing the output means:



Then, try and fix the program so that it works as expected (with a one second delay between the output of every dot).

Exercise 11

When you write decimal numbers to the terminal, how can you decide how many decimal digits to print?



Modify the next program so that it prints 10 digits after the decimal point:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
  cout << "The square root of 2 is: " << sqrt(2) << "\n";