πŸ“Š Learn programming using C++

Table of Contents

What you will learn

  • Programming concepts
  • Software development tools
  • The syntax of C++
  • Software design principles
  • Solve problems with software

Why should you learn programming

Programming has an increasingly important role in our society. Computers, together with the software that makes them useful, are present in our daily lives. Society demands a huge amount of professionals who can build and understand the programs that this computers will run.

Chapters in this course

  • Output

    Video class Exercises Exercise 1 Write a program which is equivalent to the next one, but with one only sentence: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "The cosine of 90 degrees is: "; cout << cos(M_PI/2); cout << "\n"; } Exercise 2 Fix this program:

  • Variables

    Video class Exercises Exercise 1 Write sentences that perform the actions described: Create a variable of type int, name x and value 9. Solution int x {9}; // Also: int x = 9;


Are there prerequisites?

There are no prerequisites for the first course.

How often do the courses run?

Continuously, at your own pace.